PWA Projects: Current & Future


The City of Santa Ana is currently evaluating a more efficient system to read water meters called Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) and it is designed to reduce operation costs and improve service reliability.


Preparing For The Future

Santa Ana Pursues Smarter Ways To Improve Its Infrastructure

Unlike old water meters that require manual readings, AMI uses wireless smart meters that can talk to a central computer system via radio frequency (RF) transmission. This would save the City thousands of dollars each month for employees to walk from meter to meter to collect and record water usage data. It would also allow the City to address issues more quickly and effectively for customers:

  • Accurate meter readings
  • Improved billing
  • Early leak and defective meter detection
  • Better data allowing staff to plan, construct and optimize the water distribution system
  • Ability to measure and target new water conservation plans.

Apart from these benefits, AMI poses no risk to public health and will not affect the operation of other electronic devices. It uses data encryption, keeping customer information secure and private. And lastly, upgrading to an AMI system would be made at no additional costs to customers. What could be better?


For more information about AMI and what it means to you, click here to download the fact sheet.