2018 Youth Water Poster Contest Overflows With More Than 400 Entries


The winners of our 2018 Youth Water Poster Contest nailed this year’s theme with their creative prose. Students throughout the City of Santa Ana were invited to participate and create their posters using the theme, “Fill It From The Tap!” to illustrate why drinking tap water over bottled water is safer, more affordable, and better for the environment.

Many focused on the environmental impact of bottled water, showing how plastic bottles end up polluting our oceans and landfills, with one cleverly titling her poster “Refills Not Landfills.” Some highlighted the cost of bottled water, an average 2,200 times higher than tap water.

Others emphasized the high quality of Santa Ana’s water and how it is subject to stricter safety regulations than bottled water. 

More than 400 entries were submitted by students ranging in ages 5 to 18. A special congratulations to the following grand prize winners and finalists, whose posters were on display at City Hall for six weeks:


Ages 5-8

Nayeli Luis-Martinez, 8, grand prize winner
Johann Bay, 7, finalist
Christalyn Mascareñas, 8, finalist


Ages 9-12

Briana Moreno, 9, grand prize winner
Matthew Bay, 10, finalist
Sarai Santiago, 9, finalist


Ages 13-14

Deborah Sanchez, 13, grand prize winner
Elena Arechiga, 13, finalist
Stephanie Lopez, 13, finalist


Ages 15-18

Alberto Rodriguez, 17, grand prize winner
Monica Rodriguez, 15, finalist
Julisa Julian, 16, finalist


Major Miguel A. Pulido and the entire Santa Ana City Council celebrated these students and their families at a special awards ceremony last February. 

“We congratulate the 12 outstanding young artists who won this year’s contest for their creative accomplishments,” said Councilman Vicente Sarmiento who presented a certificate to each winner. “And we thank Tram Le, Arts & Culture Specialist for the City of Santa Ana, Elizabeth Cardenas from Art for Change, and Alicia Rodriguez, COO of the Delhi Center—who served as this year’s judges—for all their hard work!”

Councilman Sarmiento, who is activity involved in the community and an avid supporter of outreach programs like the annual Youth Water Poster Contest, joined the winners and their families for a special reception hosted by the Water Resources Division. Everyone enjoyed food and refreshments, music, special presentations, and cameo shots with the councilman. Winners were awarded their prizes, ranging from gift certificates and Nintendo 3DS XLs to iPads. A special drawing for a $200 gift certificate from Art Supply Warehouse was held for teachers who actively encouraged student participation in the contest. 

“The contest is an important educational initiative for the City, offering parents and their children the opportunity to explore various water-related themes such as the health benefits of drinking water, water conservation and water quality,” added Nabil Saba, Water Resources Manager for the City of Santa Ana. “We’d like to especially acknowledge the Santa Ana Unified School District, which, for the past three years, has supported our annual Youth Water Poster Contest and helped make this important educational initiative a success!”


Call for entries for the 2019 Youth Water Poster Contest begins this fall. Don’t miss the opportunity to let your creativity shine! For more information about the contest, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (714) 647-3500.